Emergency Mediation for Holiday Disputes.

Avoid permanent co-parenting damage! Many parenting agreements lack specificity and/or are ambiguous which causes co-parents to have unnecessary and very painful disputes during the holiday season. Do not ruin your holidays for you or your children. Bend, don’t break! Mediate! Emergency mediation is conducted by Zoom teleconference. Email Nancy Caplan, Esquire attorney & mediator at mediatedivorce1@gmail.com to get your standard informational guide to setting an appointment. Or call 410-296-2190.

Maryland Divorce Mediation & Legal Services

Nancy S. Caplan Profile photo

Mediation of legal disputes is a vital tool for people and businesses facing legal conflicts. The traditional adversarial system frequently fails to produce satisfying results at a great financial cost. Conflicted parties are frustrated after the case is over. Worse families often are paying off their legal fees arising from divorce litigation for years and years. Saddling parties with legal debts is not the way to post-divorce recovery. There had to be a better way, and now there is. Mediation is part of the better way to divorce, an alternative dispute resolution process which substitutes diplomacy for aggression at a time when escalation is extremely detrimental to families emotionally and financially.

In family law matters, resentment after attorney-negotiated child custody, support and property settlement and separation agreements creates a tinder box for future disagreements. Where disputes are resolved by trial and orders of the court, litigants are labeled as winners or losers or both, and negative feelings are amplified. Negative outcomes plus crushing legal debts can be life-altering. Think of Nancy Caplan, attorney and mediator as your future conflict-avoidance guide. There is a reason that parties who start in litigation or adversarial attorney-led negotiations often lay the foundation of a long period of post-divorce conflicts. End the conflict now and in the future. Dispute resolution in mediation is the better way to handle separation and divorce. If you are looking for a Maryland Divorce Mediator call Nancy Caplan, Esquire at 410-296-2190.

For families, who often remain connected by children after divorce, anger leads to a continuous loop of contention under threat of further legal process. Old conflicts fester and new conflicts grow fertilized by the old conflicts. Separation and Divorce Mediation is a process structured to break this stubborn pattern.

With an office centrally located in Towson, the county seat of Baltimore County, family law mediation provides a sensible alternative to costly litigation of family law matters. Nancy Caplan attorney and mediator provides evening hours Monday through Thursday, in addition to all regular business hours. People going through separation and divorce need help, and help includes providing a service that is convenient for the employment demands in their lives, which are often already challenging during the transition of separation and divorce.

Since 2000 the State of Maryland incorporated mediation into its processes and procedures to curtail litigation and the unduly aggravating adversarial nature of attorney-led negotiations. In Maryland courts, disputes over child custody and visitation (also called access) are often ordered to mediate. Even if the child custody mediation is successful, the issues of alimony, support and division of assets, allocation of debts are left behind in the hands of the lawyers and judges. Private divorce mediation tackles all of the issues in a single setting- the Mediator’s private settlement table. The sensible question is why not begin your separation and divorce negotiations in a private and confidential mediation?

Parties are often shocked by the language and tactics of their attorneys. However, lawyers are sworn to be a client’s zealous advocate in negotiations, and if attorney-led negotiations are chosen, the problem does not necessarily lie with the lawyers, it lies with the choice of process. That is your choice. Choose wisely. Take control over the challenge of separation and divorce. Choosing a divorce mediator in Maryland is your first step to selecting a less stressful approach to separation and divorce.

Choose Mediation if:

  1. You seek diplomatic negotiations over adversarial negotiations.
  2. You want a neutral private setting instead of a public forum airing your personal issues.
  3. You desire to reserve your funds for your family instead of incurring massive legal debts.
  4. You hope for a civilized co-parenting relationship with your children’s other parent in the future.
  5. You wish to avoid repetitive legal entanglements with your former spouse in the future.

Choose Nancy Caplan, Attorney and Mediator for your private mediation if:

  1. You want an experienced family law attorney as your family law mediator.
  2. You hope to pay for each session without the outlay of an enormous retainer.
  3. You need flexible scheduling options for regular business hours or evenings (and weekends in cases of employment hardships, or travel from distant counties).
  4. You seek a divorce mediator in Maryland who has personally experienced divorce and post- divorce co-parenting.
  5. You desire an ethical mediator who ensures a level negotiating field by requiring independent attorney review of every mediated Marital Settlement Agreement.

How do you begin to select a divorce mediator in Maryland? Reputable mediators abide the Maryland Standard of Conduct for Mediators during the Mediation. The goal at Nancy Caplan, Esquire, Maryland Divorce Mediation & Legal Services is to produce fair, practical and final resolutions to your marital issues of alimony, child custody, child support, and property settlements or parenting or separation agreements in Maryland.

Divorce Mediation with Nancy Caplan, Esquire provides a private, confidential and affordable way to resolve your family law issues. Ms. Caplan provides mediation services as well as drafting services for parenting agreements and property settlement agreements.

Ms. Caplan is a Maryland Divorce Mediator who can help you reach a Property Settlement Agreements, also known as separation agreements, legal separation or marital settlement agreements refer to the terms agreed by the parties relating to alimony, child support, visitation and custody issues, healthcare coverage, use and possession of a family home, settlement of property issues and distribution of debts and tax issues.

Located in the hub of the county seat of Baltimore County, Maryland in downtown Towson, the Attorney Mediator, Nancy Caplan, Esquire, will act as the neutral manager of your cost-effective negotiations to achieve fair results while avoiding the pitfalls of litigation and attorney-driven negotiations.

Since 2006, families hoping to resolve difficult crisis situations in a non-adversarial, reasonable manner have chosen Maryland divorce mediation and Legal Services with Nancy Caplan. Family law mediation with an experienced Attorney – Mediator is a civilized and logical choice before or even during adversarial litigation or attorney-driven negotiations. Bend, don’t break- Mediate. Move forward right now, and call Nancy Caplan at (410) 296-2190.


Here’s the answer to the question you have been looking for. No you do not have to be separated for one year before filing for divorce in Maryland so long as both parties agree that they do not want to wait. In fact, even parties without minor Children no longer must wait for a one-year physical separation to file for an uncontested divorce in Maryland. If the parties agree to seek a Mutual Consent Divorce in Maryland they may do so. However, you still need to come to a full property settlement, settlement of custody and child support matters and settle Alimony or Spouse Support issues in order to be granted a Judgment of a Absolute Divorce in Maryland. Therefore a signed, formal Settlement Agreement is required, which Agreement is not challenged by either party at the time of the divorce hearing, which both parties must attend. Learn more…

Child Custody Mediation

There’s a better way to discuss custody of the children than a public trial on this sensitive and emotional issue. The court system agrees and Mediation for Child Custody is often required by the Maryland Courts. If you try Mediation for child custody and/or child visitation issues before filing in court you have nothing to lose and everything to gain because if mediation is unsuccessful you probably have met your court requirement. Even better, successful mediation for child custody is more likely to lead to continued mediation of the remaining Alimony and property separation and divorce matters. Discussing child custody matters in mediation is simple a sensible choice. Nancy Caplan, Esquire has handled many Baltimore family law mediation matters as well as all surrounding counties, relating to child custody. Choose the mediation process over litigation to support a healthy co-parenting relationship to accomplish your Children’s healthy transition after separation and divorce. Learn more…

Child Support Mediation

Let Nancy Caplan, attorney and Mediator guide you in calculating child support. Running the Maryland Child Support Guidelines is only one piece of the issues relating to Child Support in Maryland. Discussing work-related childcare, extracurricular expenses, extraordinary medical costs, payment of private school or Sunday school, and for some people, discussing allocation of college expenses for your children following separation and divorce in Maryland are all topics relating to support of children. Communication break-down relating to child support is common. Let Nancy Caplan attorney and mediation help you with Child Support matters. Mediation for Maryland Child Support issues makes good sense. Child Support is more than just the Maryland Child Support Guidelines. There is an alternative in family law matters in Maryland to negotiate conflicts relating to Child Support. Learn more…

Alimony Mediation

Alimony is such a difficult issue but having discussions in mediation makes it far less difficult. Discussing Alimony in mediation is a great way to formulate the family’s reconstruction plan following separation and divorce. Alimony is more than just a number- it is a plan to find the path to a family’s financial sustainability after the financial impact of divorce. There are many issues that affect Alimony in Maryland. Mediating Alimony with a Maryland divorce mediator to resolve Alimony and support disputes allows both parties a chance to be heard and to work together to come to solutions that are fair and equitable. Learn more…

Settlement Agreements

Obtaining a written settlement agreement is often the goal of mediation participants. After the parties have signed their Marital Settlement Agreement there is no need for a trial on all of the issues of separation, alimony, spousal support, child custody, child support, issues relating to the family home, division of bank accounts, division of automobiles, division of debts, tax filings and dividing the furniture, furnishings and contents of your family home, including your pets! After signing a Settlement Agreement, you have completed almost all of the hard brain work of getting a divorce. That leaves you the time to address the emotional healing which is required to recover. You will need a Settlement Agreement to obtain a Mutual Consent Divorce. Marital Settlement Agreements, Separation Agreements, Parenting Agreements, Amendments and Modifications of Agreement all available for drafting for independent attorney review. Learn More…

Are you ready to move past the challenges of separation, divorce and conflict? Let me help, call Nancy Caplan, Esquire, a Mediator in Maryland, at (410) 296-2190.

Free Consultation by Zoom

Educate Yourselves. Learn about the Separation, Divorce and Custody Mediation Process- Schedule the Free Consultation.

Ms. Caplan offers couples a free consultation teleconference session in Zoom format. If you are interested to understand how custody, alimony and property settlements are negotiated in mediation, contact Ms. Caplan to schedule your private consultation to learn how the process works. Both parties must attend free consultation appointments. Get your comprehensive informational email from Ms. Caplan relating to the services she offers, as well as an explanation of fees, contact Ms. Caplan using our contact form or at mediatedivorce1@gmail.com. Call (410) 296-2190 for more information.

More information about our Free Consultation by Zoom - Contact our Office.

Meet Nancy S. Caplan, Esquire Mediator

Nancy Caplan, Esquire, attorney-mediator has constructed her unique mediation and/or settlement conference process for separation, divorce and co-parenting matters designed to break down many of the barriers to settlement of family law matters. No retainer is required and flexible appointment hours include regular business hours, evening hours, and weekends if there is a hardship finding weekday child care, or employment conflicts, or if the parties are traveling from a long-distance...

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